May 4, 2007

Full Fucking Circle

Chris Floyd is one of the best. For consistent, intelligent, well-written eye-opening reports. The only person that I believe came close was Billmon at the now boarded-up Whiskey Bar.

From Empire Burlesque today:
Decline and Fall

General Sir Michael Rose, one of the most highly decorated British officers since World War II, has written a new book which began as a study of Britain's failed military tactics during the American Revolution and ended up as damning indictment of the Bush-Blair coalition's disastrous aggression in Iraq. In fact, Rose "argues that the [Iraqi] insurgents' tactics have been seen before - ironically when George Washington's forces succeeded in defeating the British Army -- then the world's greatest military power -- to win independence for the US in 1776," as the BBC reports.

We have come full circle. America is the British Empire and Iraq is the American Revolution.

Occupiers cannot be loved. We cannot bomb and kill Iraqis and expect them to thank us because we killed Saddam. However loathed he might have been, he was still an Iraqi. We will not be thanked for the destruction we have unleashed upon Iraq. We will not be respected for our "righteous benevolence" as our contractors built sub-standard projects all over Iraq, took the U.S. funds and ran off without any accountability for projects that they never completed. We will not be given accolades for our destruction of Fallujah. We will not applauded by the people of Iraq for putting our cronies in their political machine. They will NOT give up their national resources willingly.

I'm no Chris Floyd. I boil it down to the basics when I can...
...from that most patriotic of Insurgent movies, Red Dawn: (hell, I admit it, I love this movie)

Jed Eckert: [at the execution of Daryl Bates and a Russian soldier] Do you want blindfolds?
Russian Soldier: This violates the Geneva convention.
Jed Eckert: I never heard of it!
Russian Soldier: Dogface! I show you how Soviet dies!
Robert: I've seen it before, pal.
Danny: [who is tied up in the distance, with the horses] This isn't happening! Jed, let him go! He was one of us!
Jed Eckert: Shut up, Danny! Shut up!
Robert: He told them where we were!
Jed Eckert: He did. Now get your rifles.
Matt Eckert: *No!*
Matt Eckert: *We're not doing it!*
Russian Soldier: [to Daryl] Boy, say at me you are friend, so I will not die alone.
Matt Eckert: What's the difference, Jed?
Robert: I'll do it.
Matt Eckert: Shut up, Robert! [to Jed]
Matt Eckert: *Tell me what's the difference between us and them!*
Jed Eckert: Because WE *LIVE* HERE!
[kills Russian; Robert kills Daryl]

It's their goddamn country. Let them keep it and their fucking oil. It's not worth one more American life sacrificed in order for Big Oil to keep making record profits.

Support the troops. Hang a war profiteer.


Me said...

"Support the troops. Hang a war profiteer."
OMFG. That is utter perfection.

Anonymous said...

Chris Floyd is a very good reporter. He has been interviewed repeatedly on's radio show. I suggest those that don't know about the show go to and click on the Radio link. There is a list of mp3's for every show.

Faded said...

Thanks for the link.