Apr 2, 2008

I link, therefore I am

Tracking a Marine lost at home

Letter from Venezuela

The alternating Relevance of those who make the simple truth look so easy to understand

Bob ponders not voting for Obama...

My response:

To me, actions speak louder than words. Hillary or Obama, in my crystal ball, will ACT much the same in office. Like you, John Edwards was my choice. Hillary has dropped the ball in three ways recently, though: failing to vote on the FISA matter, when Obama did. That's an action that had a consequence with this voter. Then cozying up to the worst of the worst of Republican hacks: Rush and Scaife. Finally, I believe I've watched this race with a neutral eye for some time. And again and again, I see the Clinton campaign using Rethug tactics to smear her Democratic opponent and actually Cheer on the Republican candidate. So, I am for Obama. Even so, Bob, I'd happily vote for Hillary over McCain. Because I can tell the difference between McCain and Hillary. And if Obama becomes the candidate, I surely hope you (and other HRC supporters) can find it in your heart to see the difference between Obama and McCain.

Why did you become a Democrat?


Jacq said...

Right on, Brotha...

Elmo said...

Yeah, yeah...freakin Obamazooid! If he wins the nomination I'll be an Obamazooid too...

Now to more important things, you were called out...


Anonymoustache said...

---"Why did you become a democrat?"---

I am of liberal (tolerant, open-minded) thought; as in the opposite of conservative; the Democratic party at least approaches liberal thinking every now and then; ergo...

Faded said...

Elmo, these old man chickenhawks are snores. Nothing worse than some old guy braggin about "hotties" he messed up his bed with..

Fuck those bastards. THEY are getting our kids killed in Iraq to help Oil men get rich. How fucking stupid to they have to be to not understand that this has nothing to do with patriotism? By the time this war is over, the state of our military will be in shambles. This guy is a prime example of the ex-military guys who join Blackwater and then pull weapons on our troops in Iraq. Fucking filthy bastards.

Targa said...

Fade, thanks for the link.

and.. I'll have to wait 'til I get home to enjoy the Loverboy post. heh.