The Leading Candidates...
Guliani - This is the face of Conservatism?
This is the face of Liberalism?
True Centrism- He'll say anything to get your vote, then do whatever he wants to. Too bad no one knows what the hell that is.

Keep your religion out of government.

This guy is the biggest joke on the campaign trail. But, he's laughing all the way to the bank. And with Republicans throwing away their money on him, I AM TOO.

Lone "Wolf" McCain - a cur that not only sits around licking his own balls, but also licking those of the rest of his pack...

Edwards - the only person who should AND Can be elected. I like Ron Paul's foreign policy. I'd love to see him run as Edwards' running mate once the Republican party kicks him to the curb and goes with Guliani or Romney. But Paul's economic policies don't make much sense and he doesn't have the desire to help save middle America. Kucinich would be great as a running mate for Edwards as well. But as for electability, we are talking Mondale here.
Make your own mind up. I've made up mine watching Edwards beat all the Progressive candidates on the issues time and again. And while Obama and Clinton beat Edwards on the money trail following their consultants' advice, Edwards is following policies, not rhetoric. Support the candidate who will do the most to repair our country.
I had been set on Edwards for a long time. Now I'm not sure if I care.
Fuck. I know how you feel. This feels like a last stand for Democracy and real leadership.
I ain't giving up yet.
So fade, tell me, is there anyone in politics you DON'T seem to hate with a passion??????????
John Edwards? uh Thomas Jefferson?
I like Kasparov...
There isn't anyone deserving of not being hated. I'll vote for whomever gets the Dem nomination, and if Rudy! wins the White House, then we're truly and honestly fucked.
you see the pic CNN has of Gravel up on their fucking website. email them tell them to change it. its total bullshit.
oh and fuck edwards. have you not seen the clip where Gravel exposed him as a health care pig?
great little montage of Gravel tearing Edwards apart!
Hehe gotta love your fervor. But Gravel's been in office for a long time, never did shit there. Now, he's suddenly speaking out. Good for him, Great for him- but I can't think that he'd revert to his old ways if he was back in his comfy position.
40,000,000 acres for the indians in Alaska in reperations? the alaskan pipeline? started the nuclear critique which was the start of "alternative energy"? Stopped Nuclear testing? Ended the draft ceremoniously by entering the pentagon papers into the public record? Fought Nixon all the way to the supreme court? Wtf are you talking about "didn't do shit" are you insane? Hes done more then anybody in modern times to institute peace and stability.
Gravel is a historical figure. If not today some day people Will realize.
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